I had the immense pleasure of knowing Arthur a little bit.

He was generous with his time , with a balanced and considerate outlook.

He was a good mentor , capable of getting a little more out of you without

making you feel like you were being pushed.

He had a great sense of humour ( laid out a fair few groaners to be sure ).

He constantly made time to help other folks out.

He was generous - he answered every querie I ever made quickly and thoroughly.

He made skins and templates for me and many others without expecting anything in return.

He provided excellent and expert advice on skinning and many other aspects of IL2

management for the technically impaired ( which I most assuredly am !).

Once in a while I had the pleasure of flying with him.

He will be greatly missed.

~S Beebop

Your Friend , Kopfdorfer

June 14th 2022

It is with great sadness that I have to announce the passing of our dear friend and fellow pilot Arthur (Beebop) Beardsley. Arthur flew with both the Bluejays and Blackbirds squadrons and was well known and respected throughout the virtual flying community.

His endless patience while solving other peoples sim problems, his creative mission building and skinning will all be a great loss to us all.  When I think of Arthur, I think of his famous Chance Hardman series of missions upon which I had the honor to work on and adapt in cooperation with him.

The virtual sky will be a lot emptier now.


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I am so sorry for this loss, Arthur will be truly missed by all of us in the Blackbirds. I am just so thankful to have joined the group in time to have met him and able to call him a friend. His helpful nature showed me quickly that I had found a great bunch of guys. His contributions to the group went beyond just flying. He would spend hours creating a mission that only lasted 1 hour so that we all could enjoy an evening together.  He has been in our thoughts everyday and again will be missed but will always be a Blackbird.

Jack  aka =BB=Avid  

Unforgotten Friends

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Ralph  "Mongoose"  Gimenez